What Does a Good Resume Look Like? Key Tips

What Does a Good Resume Look LikeAre you sure your resume shows what hiring managers want, or might it be missing the mark?

A professional resume is your chance to get an interview and land your dream job. It’s like a marketing tool that highlights your skills and achievements. Knowing what makes a good resume means focusing on details and understanding what employers look for. Simple things like clarity, being brief, and being relevant can greatly improve your chances.

With so many applications out there, making your resume stand out is key. Good resume design is not just about looks; it also helps with readability and boosts your chances of getting noticed in a crowded job market.

Understanding the Essentials of a Good Resume

Creating a professional resume is all about focusing on key parts. Start with your contact info at the top, making sure it’s current and easy to read. Then, add a compelling objective statement that shows why you’re perfect for the job. The essentials of a good resume also include a section that highlights your skills and experience.

Next, list your education with details on institutions, majors, and any big wins. The reverse-chronological resume format is the top choice for most people looking for jobs. Add a brief summary of your skills, just two to three sentences, to give a quick look at your career.

In the work experience section, be specific about your roles. Mention the job title, where you worked, where it was located, when you were there, and what you did. Don’t forget to include internships, summer jobs, and volunteer work. Showing off both soft skills, like being dependable and hardworking, and hard skills, like public speaking and tech skills, can really set you apart.

Keep your resume to one or two pages to keep it short and powerful. Adding 3-5 references from past bosses, teachers, or other respected people can back up your skills. But leave out personal stuff like health info or social security numbers to keep it professional.

Before you send it in, check your resume for mistakes and ask someone else to look at it too. By focusing on these important points, you can make a professional resume that grabs the attention of hiring managers.

What Does a Good Resume Look Like?

Creating a compelling resume is key to catching recruiters’ eyes. You might ask, what makes a resume stand out? It’s all about clear design, relevant info, and big achievements. Knowing what recruiters look for is crucial to make your application pop.

Key Elements of a Resume

A good resume is usually one to two pages long. It should highlight the most important details. Here are the must-haves:

  • Resume Design: Use a clean, professional layout with fonts like Calibri or Arial for easy reading.
  • Resume Header: Include your contact info and a LinkedIn link if it helps your application.
  • Resume Title: Begin with a clear title that matches the job you’re applying for to boost your chances.

Keep your font styles and sizes consistent. Use fonts between 10 to 12 points, and headings between 14 to 16 points. Good spacing makes your resume easy to read.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Knowing what not to do can help you avoid mistakes. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid complex formatting that confuses recruiters. Stick to a simple design.
  • Don’t go over two pages to keep the important stuff clear.
  • Customize your resume for each job to show you’re interested and qualified.
  • Leave out profile photos to avoid bias in screening.
  • Skip generic statements and focus on real achievements.

For more tips on making a great resume, check out this resource. It has lots of advice on what recruiters like to see.

Focus on the important parts and skip the common mistakes to make a strong impression. A well-thought-out resume can really help you stand out in a crowded job market.

Choosing the Right Resume Format

Understanding the different resume formats helps you match your application with the job you desire. There are many options, so it’s key to know which ones recruiters like best. The top formats include the reverse-chronological, functional, and combination formats. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, making it important to think about your situation and the job you want when picking a format.

Popular Resume Formats Explained

The reverse-chronological resume is the most common choice for job seekers. It lists your work experience in reverse order, showing your career growth clearly. The functional resume focuses on your skills over your work history. This can be useful for highlighting your abilities but recruiters might see it as hiding gaps in employment. The combination resume mixes both techniques, ideal for those with varied experiences or moving from the military.

When to Use Each Format

Choosing the right format depends on your situation and the job you’re applying for. If you have a steady career history, the reverse-chronological format is likely your best choice. But if you’re changing careers or have employment gaps, a functional approach might be better, despite recruiters’ skepticism. The combination format is great for unique situations, like transitioning from the military, where you need to show both skills and relevant experiences.

When picking a format, think about how it looks. Use colors, sections, and visuals to make your resume stand out. Some people might want to get help from a professional resume writer. They can offer personalized advice and help you use formatting effectively. By focusing on the right details and keeping it clear, you’ll increase your chances of getting noticed in a crowded job market.

For tips on powerful word usage in your resume, refer to this useful resource.

Resume Format Best For Considerations
Reverse-Chronological Stable work history, traditional industries Most widely accepted, easy for recruiters to scan
Functional Career changers, those with gaps in employment May raise trust issues with recruiters
Combination Individuals with diverse experiences, military transitions Allows showcasing both skills and experience

Crafting Effective Resume Content

Creating a strong resume is key to making a good first impression. Start by organizing your experience clearly and highlighting your unique skills. Then, talk about your education, and end with your skills and qualifications. Each part is important in telling your professional story.

Highlighting Your Experience

Focus on your main achievements and the tasks you handled. Use verbs like achieved, implemented, led, and developed to show what you did. Try to include numbers to show how you made a difference in your jobs. This shows your skills and what you can bring to a new job.

Showcasing Educational Background

Your education is a big part of your resume. List your degrees, important courses, and any awards you got. If you have a high GPA or were in the top of your class, mention it. This shows you’re serious about your field and catches the eye of employers who value education.

Defining Skills and Qualifications

It’s key to match your skills and qualifications with the job you want. Talk about both technical skills and soft skills like working well with others. Make sure your skills match what employers are looking for. This shows you know the job well and can do it well. Always check your resume for mistakes to make sure it looks professional.

Crafting effective resume content

Resume Writing Tips for Tailoring to Specific Jobs

When tailoring your resume for specific jobs, it’s key to understand job descriptions well. Employers look for unique skills that match their needs. By carefully analyzing each job listing, you can improve your resume strategy. Look for industry keywords, required skills, and specific tasks. This ensures your resume meets what employers are looking for.

Understanding Job Descriptions

Looking closely at job descriptions helps you see what employers really want. Employers seek candidates who show they have the right skills and can handle the job’s tasks. Focus on these key points:

  • Key Responsibilities: Highlight the main duties listed in the job description.
  • Necessary Skills: Include specific skills that are mentioned frequently.
  • Company Values: Research the company’s mission and how it aligns with your experience.

By making your resume match these points, you boost your chances of getting noticed by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Using tools like Jobscan.co can help tailor your resume even better for the job.

Adapting Your Language for ATS Compatibility

ATS programs scan resumes for certain keywords related to the job. It’s important to make your resume more ATS-friendly by using job-specific terms. Here are some tips:

  • Use Relevant Keywords: Add keywords from the job description to your resume.
  • Avoid Complex Formatting: Keep your resume design simple for ATS to read it correctly.
  • Name Your File Properly: Save your resume with your name and the job title to make it easier to find.

Creating a tailored resume is more than just adding keywords. Show how your experience matches the job’s needs. This makes your resume stand out and shows you’ve thoughtfully matched yourself with the role.

Structuring Your Resume Layout for Maximum Impact

Creating an effective resume layout can really boost your chances of making a strong impression on recruiters. It’s all about structuring your resume in a way that makes it easy for hiring managers to see your qualifications. This thoughtful design helps recruiters quickly see what you offer.

Designing for Skimmability

Today, making your resume easy to scan is key. Use clear titles and brief bullet points to help employers quickly spot important info. Most resumes, about 90%, follow a reverse chronological order, showing work experience in a clear line.

By using short, powerful statements, you can make your resume pop among many others.

The Importance of White Space

White space is vital for easy reading. It keeps sections and bullet points separate, making it simpler to focus on key details. Stick to a consistent margin of one to one-half inch for the best layout.

Stay away from creative or colorful templates that might not work well with applicant tracking systems. Instead, choose fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman for clear, professional text. This lets your skills and qualifications take center stage.

Resume Structure Element Best Practice
Layout Order Reverse chronological format preferred by 90% of professionals
Bullet Points Uses succinct descriptions to enhance readability
Margin Size One to one-half inch on all sides
Font Choice A professional font such as Arial or Calibri
Length Two pages for experienced professionals, one page for those with less than ten years

Using white space and smart structuring can make your resume stand out. For more tips on making your resume effective, check out this resource. Focus on these strategies to boost your resume’s impact and increase your job market success.

Using Resume Keywords Effectively

Learning about resume keywords is key to making your application stand out. Most employers use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to find candidates, with 75 percent of employers and 98.8 percent of Fortune 500 companies using them. To beat these systems, using the right keywords is crucial.

Researching Industry-Specific Keywords

First, research keywords specific to your industry and the job you want. Look at job descriptions to find important terms and phrases employers look for. Use these keywords to show your skills and experiences that match the job, making sure you pass ATS filters. A 2021 study showed 88 percent of employers think qualified candidates get overlooked because of wrong keywords.

Integrating Keywords Naturally

After finding the right terms, blend them into your resume naturally. This keeps your resume easy to read and boosts your chances of getting past ATS filters. Use keywords in different parts of your resume, like:

  • Skills: Highlight job-related skills prominently.
  • Work Experience: Use action verbs to describe accomplishments.
  • Resume Summary: Craft a summary reflecting the keywords found in the job posting.

When changing old job titles or descriptions to match job listings, be careful not to exaggerate. Finding the right balance with keywords is key. The aim is to impress both the ATS and hiring managers.

Keyword Category Examples Integration Tips
Job-Related Software Development, Project Management, Data Analysis Incorporate in skills and experience sections.
Action Verbs Led, Designed, Developed, Enhanced Use to start bullet points in work experience.

Using the right resume keywords boosts your chances of getting past the ATS and shows recruiters you’re a good fit. A structured way to find, sort, and add keywords makes your resume more effective.

Examples of Professional Resumes

Looking at different resume examples gives us great insights into writing effective resumes. Each profession has its own best resume format, showing how certain styles can lead to job offers. Let’s look at some professional resumes that stand out because of their key features.

Highlighting Successful Resume Formats

Each resume example shows how to match your experience with job needs, making sure you highlight your best qualities. Here are some top resumes from various fields:

  • Architect: This resume focuses on professional experience from an internship, showing off relevant projects.
  • Business: It puts work experience first, clearly listing responsibilities and achievements.
  • Computer Science: It highlights the technical skills needed for IT jobs, meeting industry demands.
  • Data Analyst: A strong resume summary grabs the attention of recruiters right away.
  • Customer Service: It lists both soft and hard skills, backed by numbers to show success.
  • Digital Marketing: Uses a reverse chronological format, making it easy to read and relevant.
  • HR: Dedicates a lot of space to professional experience in HR.
  • Medical Assistant: Begins with a memorable summary to catch hiring managers quickly.
  • Project Manager: Uses bullet points for easy information reading, making it simple to scan.
  • Bar Manager: Includes social media profiles to boost professionalism and online presence.
  • Supervisor: Focuses on achievements over duties, giving a strong view of experience.
  • Teacher: Mentions skills needed in the industry, plus hobbies and volunteer work for a full profile.
  • Writer: Has a strong summary and relevant contact info to stand out in creative fields.
  • Web Developer: Concentrates on key technical skills, aiming at web development roles.

What Makes These Examples Stand Out?

These professional resumes use different strategies to make a strong impact:

  • Chronological resumes are the most common, showing a clear employment timeline.
  • Functional resumes are good for career changes or gaps, focusing on skills over experience.
  • Combination resumes blend skills and work history, appealing to a wide range of job seekers.
  • Infographic resumes are becoming popular for their creative way of presenting information, adding visual appeal.
  • Targeted resumes are tailored for specific jobs, highlighting relevant experience and skills, which employers like more than generic ones.
  • Nontraditional resumes grab attention in creative fields with their unique designs and presentations.
  • Mini-resumes are short summaries, perfect for networking events or job fairs, offering a quick look for employers.

Looking at these resume examples can spark ideas for your own resume, helping you find formats that best show your skills and experiences.

Common Resume Sections Explained

Creating a strong resume begins with knowing what employers want to see. Paying attention to these key sections can boost your chances of standing out quickly.

Essential Sections to Include

Some resume sections are crucial. These include:

  • Contact Information: Make sure it’s complete with your name, phone, email, and location.
  • Professional Summary or Objective: A brief summary of your skills tailored to the job you want.
  • Work Experience: Focus on the past 10-15 years, highlighting major achievements.
  • Education: Key for new grads, include your degree and when you finished.
  • Skills: Emphasize both hard and soft skills that fit the job.

Adding these key sections helps you stand out. For a detailed guide on their layout, check out this resource.

Optional Sections that Can Enhance Your Resume

Optional sections can make your resume even stronger. Think about adding:

  • Extracurricular Activities: Shows your skills beyond school, which can be useful.
  • Projects or Portfolio Links: Highlights your work, whether solo or in a team.
  • Languages: Lists any other languages you know, attracting more employers.
  • Volunteering Experience: Shows your dedication and values that match with employers.
  • Hobbies & Interests: Gives a peek into your personality, which matters in fitting into a company culture.

These extra sections can set you apart. A well-crafted resume that’s both informative and appealing is more likely to grab a recruiter’s attention in that quick 7-second look.

Key Takeaways

  • A visually appealing resume must be easily skimmable to avoid being overlooked.
  • Keeping your resume to a single page is generally recommended unless you have a lot of relevant experience.
  • Reverse chronological order helps highlight your recent accomplishments and relevant experience effectively.
  • Quantifying your achievements with specific metrics enhances your resume’s credibility.
  • Using proper spacing and professional fonts makes your resume easier to read, helping recruiters quickly scan it.


Understanding what makes a good resume is key to finding a job. It’s not just about listing your skills. It’s about making sure your resume looks professional and is easy to read.

Make sure to highlight your best experiences, skills, and education. This helps you stand out in a crowded job market.

Always tailor your resume for each job you apply to. Use language that shows your achievements. Remember, the average experience varies a lot by job, like 8+ years for a Software Engineer or 3+ years for a Financial Analyst.

A well-made resume tells your professional story well. Following the best practices can really help you stand out. By focusing on details and making your resume show your true abilities, you’re ready for the opportunities ahead.


What does a good resume look like?

A good resume is clear, concise, and relevant. It shows your skills and achievements well. It has your contact info, a summary of your qualifications, work history, education, and skills. This format lets hiring managers quickly see if you’re a good fit for the job.

What are the essential elements of a good resume?

Key parts of a good resume are your contact details, a professional summary, work experience, education, and skills. It’s important to customize these for each job you apply to. This helps show how you match the job’s requirements.

What common mistakes should I avoid when writing my resume?

Avoid complex formatting, writing more than two pages, using vague statements, and not tailoring your resume to the job. Also, try to include numbers to show the impact of your work.

How do I choose the right resume format?

The best resume format depends on your career path. The chronological format is good for those with a strong work history. The functional format is better for career changers or recent graduates. The combination format is ideal for a mix of skills and experiences.

What are the key resume writing tips for effective content?

Focus on clearly showing your experiences and the impact you made. Highlight specific accomplishments and the relevant tasks you handled. Include your education, listing degrees and honors. Define your skills, both hard and soft, that match the job. Using numbers to describe your achievements can greatly improve your application.

How can I tailor my resume based on job descriptions?

To tailor your resume, understand what employers are looking for and adjust your resume to match. Use specific terms and phrases from the job description to help your resume pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

What can I do to improve my resume layout?

For a better layout, use clear titles, bullet points, and brief statements. This makes your resume easy to scan. Also, don’t forget to use white space to make it more readable and engaging for hiring managers.

How can I use resume keywords effectively?

Start by finding industry-specific keywords from job ads. Then, blend these keywords into your resume naturally. This makes your resume more relevant without making it hard to read, helping it stand out during the initial screening.

Can you provide examples of professional resumes?

Professional resumes often feature concise language, measurable achievements, and a clear structure. Looking at successful resumes can give you ideas for improving your own.

What are common resume sections I should include?

Common sections in a resume include your contact info, a professional summary, work history, and education. You can also add volunteer work, certifications, and more skills to make your resume even stronger.