Best Font for Resume: Top Choices for Job Seekers

Did you know the font on your resume could make or break your chance at an interview? Choosing the right font is key for job seekers. It makes your resume easy to read and meets professional standards. This can grab a recruiter’s attention in just a few seconds, often in as little as six to thirty!

Whether you prefer classic fonts like Times New Roman or modern ones like Avenir Next, this guide will help you pick the best font for your resume. These choices can make a lasting impression.

Key Takeaways

  • A well-chosen font can significantly influence your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.
  • Classic fonts are generally preferred for their readability and professionalism.
  • Sans-serif fonts like Arial and Helvetica are often considered the best options for modern resumes.
  • Font size can play a crucial role, with specific guidelines enhancing overall clarity.
  • Using a mix of fonts can provide visual interest when done thoughtfully.

Why Your Resume Font Matters

The font you choose for your resume is key to how employers see it. Fonts that are easy to read grab recruiter attention. With only 7.4 seconds to look at a resume, a clear layout is vital.

Recruiters spend more time on resumes that use clear fonts for headings. This makes a big difference.

Impact on Recruiter Attention

Choosing an ATS-friendly resume font helps you stand out. Fonts like Arial, Georgia, and Helvetica are top picks. They’re easy to read, which is important since recruiters don’t spend much time on resumes.

Using the same font styles, sizes, and alignments makes your resume look professional and put together.

Influence on ATS Compatibility

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to manage job applications. These systems prefer simple, standard fonts. Fonts like Times New Roman and Calibri are good choices because they’re easy to read for both ATS and hiring managers.

Your goal is to make a resume that looks good to both machines and people. The right font can depend on your industry.

Font Industry Recommendation
Arial Creative Fields
Georgia General Use
Helvetica Corporate Settings
Tahoma Software Engineering
Times New Roman Formal Applications
Verdana General Use
Trebuchet MS Creative Fields

Characteristics of a Good Resume Font

Choosing the right font for your resume is key to making a good first impression. A font that’s easy to read and understand lets hiring managers quickly go through your info. It also shows you pay attention to details.

Readability and Legibility

When picking a font, think about how easy it is to read. Arial and Calibri are top picks because they’re clean and simple. They work well for both paper and digital resumes.

If you prefer serif fonts, Garamond is a good choice. It looks elegant but is still easy to read. You can find more about readable fonts at trusted websites.

Professional Appearance

Your font choice shows how professional you are, which affects how you’re seen. Traditional fonts like Times New Roman are formal and trustworthy. They’re great for traditional industries.

Modern fonts like Helvetica give a fresh look. Finding the right mix of style and function shows you’re professional. Using a resume builder helps pick the best fonts and keep your resume looking good.

Classic Fonts for Resumes

Choosing the right font for your resume is key. Classic fonts are professional and easy to read. We’ll look at three top choices for your resume.

Times New Roman

Times New Roman is a classic serif font. It’s been a top pick for resumes for years. It looks traditional and reliable, fitting many industries.

Some think it’s old-fashioned, but it’s still a favorite for a formal look.


Arial is a sans-serif font that’s clean and modern. It’s easy to read on screens and works well with many styles. It’s great for jobs that use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).


Calibri is a modern font made for digital use. It’s easy to read on screens, which is vital today. It’s not as formal as some fonts but suits tech industries well.

Font Type Pros Cons
Times New Roman Serif Traditional, reliable, commonly accepted May seem outdated to some
Arial Sans-serif Modern, clean, ATS-friendly Less personality than serif fonts
Calibri Sans-serif Contemporary, easy to read on screens Perceived as less formal

Modern Fonts for Resumes

Choosing the right font for your resume is key to making a good impression. Modern fonts show professionalism and make your resume easy to read. Avenir Next and Helvetica are top picks for today’s resumes.

Avenir Next

Avenir Next has a sleek, geometric look that boosts modern resume typography. It’s clear even at small sizes, great for detailed resumes. Its modern style fits well in creative fields.


Helvetica is known for its clean lines and professional feel, perfect for clean resume lettering. Designers and corporate types love it for its simple yet elegant look. Using Helvetica makes your resume clear and organized, highlighting your skills and experiences.

Best Font for Resume: Top Choices

Choosing the right font for your resume is key to grabbing a recruiter’s attention. Cambria, Georgia, and Garamond are top picks. Each has its own strengths for different industries and styles.


Cambria is a top pick for its elegant serif design. It’s both elegant and easy to read. This font is perfect for jobs that value a polished look. It clearly communicates your message.


Georgia is known for its wide letters, making it great for screens. It’s sophisticated yet clear, ideal for hiring managers. Its mix of old and new makes it a top resume font choice.


Garamond gives your resume a classic and unique touch. It’s elegant and timeless. Even though it’s traditional, it’s still easy to read on screens or in print.

Font Type Best For Pros Cons
Cambria Serif Traditional industries Elegant, highly readable Can feel old-fashioned
Georgia Serif Digital applications Wide letterforms enhance screen clarity Less common than others
Garamond Serif Print resumes Unique, classic appeal May not perform well on screens

Your font choice shows your detail and professionalism. Picking from Cambria, Georgia, and Garamond can make your resume stand out.

Fonts to Avoid on Your Resume

Choosing the right font for your resume is key to making a good impression. Some fonts can make your qualifications and professionalism look bad. Knowing which fonts to skip can help your resume stand out.

Heavily Stylized Fonts

Fonts with too much style can confuse both machines and people. They can hide important details, making it hard for employers to see your skills. It’s better to use fonts that are easy to read and professional.

Overused Fonts

Some fonts are used so much, they don’t make you stand out. Times New Roman and Arial are examples of these fonts. They might show you didn’t put much thought into your resume. Try using a font that’s professional but also catches the eye.

Fonts to Avoid Reasons
Times New Roman Overused, lacks creativity
Arial Generic and unremarkable
Comic Sans Unprofessional and childish
Courier Outdated typewriter feel
Impact Too bold, meant for headlines
Papyrus Overly stylized and distracting
Futura Non-standard font that can confuse
Lucida Console Looks outdated and unprofessional

Avoiding these fonts can help you get noticed by employers. For more tips on the best and worst fonts for resumes, check out the recommended list of fonts. It can help you make a strong professional impression.

fonts to avoid on resume

Font Size Guidelines for Resumes

Choosing the right font size makes your resume look better. Following font size guidelines makes it easy to read. This balance is key to making a good first impression on recruiters.

Recommended Sizes for Headings

Headings help guide your resume’s content. They should be between 14pt to 16pt. This size is clear but not too big. It makes important sections stand out, helping readers quickly see your skills.

Body Text Size Recommendations

Your resume’s body text should be clear and easy to read. Use sizes between 10pt to 12pt for the best readability. This size helps HR managers quickly understand your qualifications. Remember, your choice can depend on your industry; traditional fields often prefer classic serif fonts, while creative fields like sans-serifs.

Combining Fonts for Visual Interest

In today’s job market, using the right font mix can make your resume stand out. Mixing fonts like a serif for titles and a sans-serif for text adds style and clarity. This combo makes your resume easy to read and looks professional.

Choosing Complementary Fonts

Choosing the right font combo is key. For creative jobs, try Pacifico for headings and Junction for the rest. In finance, use Open Sans Condensed for titles and Verdana for other parts. Each pair makes your resume clear and shows off your style.

Limitations on Font Variety

It’s tempting to try many fonts, but stick to two at most. Too many fonts can be distracting. Choose a professional font that shows your character without being too much. Classics like Garamond or modern picks like Gill Sans work well. Keeping it simple lets your skills shine and makes it easy for employers to see your qualifications.

The Role of Font Style in Different Industries

The font style you choose can greatly affect how your resume is seen in different fields. Each industry has its own font preferences, showing its culture and values. Knowing what your field expects can help you pick the right font for your resume, boosting your job prospects.

Creative Industries

In creative fields, a unique font can show off your creativity. Fonts like Garamond and Georgia give an elegant, professional look. Modern fonts like Lato or Trebuchet MS can make your resume pop. Using enchanting fonts matches the industry’s focus on being unique and looking good.

Some creatives mix serif and sans serif fonts to catch the eye of employers.

Corporate Fields

In the corporate world, being professional is key. Fonts like Times New Roman and Arial are popular for their classic, clean look. A simple resume shows you’re reliable, which is important in corporate jobs. Choosing well-known fonts shows you know the professional standards.

Using industry-specific fonts makes your resume look like it belongs with others in the company. This helps you fit right into the corporate culture.

font style in resumes

Tips for Formatting Your Resume Font

Choosing the right font is key to a standout resume. It makes your resume easy to read and highlights important info. Here are some tips to make your resume look professional and unique.

Using Bold and Italics Effectively

Use bold or italics to highlight job titles or company names. Bold text grabs attention, and italics add subtlety. But don’t overdo it to avoid overwhelming the reader.

Adjusting Line Spacing for Clarity

Line spacing is crucial for clear reading. Aim for single to 1.5-point spacing to prevent a crowded look. This makes your resume feel open and organized. Also, use one-inch margins for a clean look, adjusting if needed to keep everything on one page.

Font Type Size Recommendations Style Notes
Body text 11-12 pt Standard size for legibility
Headings 14-16 pt Allows for clear hierarchy
Line Spacing Single to 1.5 Enhances readability
Margins 1 inch Typical but adjustable

Expert Opinions on Resume Fonts

Experts in recruitment and design share their insights on choosing the best font for a resume. They agree that serif and sans-serif fonts are top choices. These fonts are clear and professional. Arial, Calibri, and Times New Roman are favorites among hiring managers for grabbing attention quickly.

Recruiter Insights

Recruiters look at resumes for just a few seconds, often in under six seconds. This shows how crucial font choice is. A font approved by hiring managers can help your resume get noticed. Serif fonts like Times New Roman and Garamond are seen as professional and easy to read, even when small.

Designer Perspectives

Designers focus on how fonts look. For online resumes, sans-serif fonts like Helvetica and Calibri give a modern feel. But, it’s important to match the font with the job and industry you’re applying for. A modern look is good, but it shouldn’t overshadow your professionalism. Both looks and function matter in choosing a font to show off your brand.

Font Type Recommended Fonts Characteristics Best For
Serif Times New Roman, Garamond Professional, trustworthy Corporate positions, formal contexts
Sans-serif Arial, Calibri, Helvetica Modern, clean Digital applications, creative industries


Choosing the right font for your resume is key to your job application’s success. It must balance readability with professionalism. This ensures your resume grabs the recruiter’s attention and makes it through ATS scans easily. Arial and Helvetica are great for tech and marketing roles, while Georgia and Garamond are perfect for traditional sectors.

Stick to font sizes of 10–12 points for body text and 12–16 points for headings. This makes your resume easy to read. Use sizes from 20–24 points for your name to make a strong first impression. Whether you choose classic fonts like Times New Roman or modern ones like Cambria, the right font is crucial for success.

A visually appealing and easy-to-read resume shows your professionalism and boosts your chances of standing out. Remember these tips when designing your resume. The right font can take your job application to the next level.


What is the best font for a resume?

The top font for a resume is one that’s easy to read and looks professional. Arial, Helvetica, and Calibri are great picks. They make your resume clear and work well with applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Why does the font choice matter for my resume?

The font on your resume is key to grabbing a recruiter’s attention and passing ATS checks. The right font boosts readability and can make a strong first impression.

What characteristics should a good resume font have?

A good resume font must be easy to read and clear. It should look professional, showing you’re serious and trustworthy. Fonts that mix looks with usability are best for making your resume stand out.

Are traditional fonts better for resumes?

Yes, traditional fonts like Times New Roman and Arial are top choices for resumes. They’re clear, professional, and widely accepted by employers.

What modern fonts can I use on my resume?

Modern fonts like Avenir Next and Helvetica give your resume a fresh look while keeping it clear. These fonts are great for staying on trend, especially in creative fields.

Can you recommend some unique yet professional fonts?

Fonts like Cambria, Georgia, and Garamond offer a stylish yet professional look. They’re readable and versatile, fitting many industries.

What fonts should I avoid on my resume?

Steer clear of fonts like Comic Sans and Times New Roman. They can make your resume look unprofessional or too common.

What is the ideal font size for my resume?

Use 20 to 24 points for your name, 11 to 14 points for headings, and 10 to 12 points for the main text. This size is clear and doesn’t overwhelm the page.

Is it okay to use multiple fonts on my resume?

Yes, using up to two fonts that work well together can add interest without losing professionalism. Mixing a serif font for headings with a sans-serif font for the main text is a good idea.

How does font style differ across industries?

Different industries have different font preferences. Creative fields might allow for unique fonts, while corporate sectors often prefer traditional fonts that show professionalism.

What formatting tips can improve my resume?

Use bold and italics to highlight important points, and adjust line spacing for better clarity. These tips help make your resume clean and easy to read.

What do experts say about the best resume fonts?

Experts like recruiters and designers often suggest classic fonts like Arial and Helvetica for their clarity and professional look. These fonts are well-liked by hiring managers across various sectors.